Selasa, 29 November 2011


is me

Manfaat Tidur


Berdasarkan data dari The National Sleep Foundation, Amerika Serikat, mengatakan bahwa bayi harus tidur sekitar 80 persen dalam sehari. Sedangkan orang dewasa membutuhkan tidur sekitar 30 persen atau sekitar 7-9 jam dalam sehari. Riset ini bukan tanpa alasan. Seandainya kita memiliki waktu tidur yang berkualitas di tiap harinya, banyak manfaatnya juga yang bisa kita dapat. Terutama untuk tubuh dan wajah kita.

Kulit Jadi Cerah
Mau punya kulit yang cerah? Ternyata kita bisa mendapatkannya bila memiliki jam tidur yang baik. Menurut The Journal of The American Heart Association, stress  mental akibat kurang tidur menyebabkan pembuluh darah mengerut dan menghasilkan minyak berlebih, sehingga menimbulkan jerawat. Jadi penting banget memiliki jam tidur yang baik agar aliran darah kita lancar. Karena aliran darah yang lancar akan menghasilkan warna kulit yang sehat.

Mata Jadi Indah
Pernah mengalami lingkar mata menghitam seperti mata panda? Meskipun buat panda itu hal yang lucu, tapi bila bagian bawah mata kita yang jadi hitam, pastinya nggak cantik banget. Menurut dugaan para ahli,  “mata panda” muncul karena kelelahan dan kurang tidur yang akan memperlambat sirkulasi dan darah di sekitar mata. Jadi biar nggak mengalami “mata panda”, berikan mata kita waktu yang cukup untuk terpejam.

Fit Terus Sepanjang Hari
Istirahat yang benar akan membawa pemulihan dan penambahan kekuatan tubuh setelah seharian beraktifitas. Selain itu, tidur juga dapat menghilangkan kepenatan dan penyegar otak.

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Levi Strauss


Siapa sih yang nggak punya celana jeans? Celana yang satu ini pasti ada di lemari kita dan sering kita kenakan untuk tampil lebih kasual. Tapi, pernah nggak sih terpikir tentang kisah dibalik celana jeans yang sering kita kenakan ini? Sejarah mencatat, ternyata celana jeans ini bukan dibuat oleh seorang perancang ternama, tetapi oleh seorang pemuda berusia 20 tahun yang sedang merantau.

Awalnya, cerita celana jeans ini berasal dari Genoa, Italia. Di sana celana jeans diproduksi untuk keperluan angkatan laut. Meskipun berasal dari Italia, namun celana tebal ini tak akan popular tanpa campur tangan perantau muda bernama Levi Strauss yang datang untuk mengadu nasib di California.

Di Negara asalnya di New York, Strauss memang berprofesi sebagai penjual pakaian. Ketika datang ke California pun, ia hanya berbekal beberapa potongan tekstil dan kanvas yang akan dijual di sana. Modal nekatnya pun tak sia-sia, potongan tekstilnya laku keras dan hanya menyisakan segulung kanvasnya. Dengan memanfaatkan bakatnya, ia pun membuat sepotong celana kerja untuk para pekerja tambang, hingga laris manis karena bahannya tidak mudah rusak.

Dengan pikirannya yang kreatif, Strauss pun memodifikasi jahitannya dengan menggunakan bahan yang didapatnya dari Genoa, Italia. Karena nama bahan tersebut “genes” maka Strauss mengubah namanya menjadi jeans agar lebih enak didengar. Ia pun mulai memproduksi celana jeans pertama dengan merk “Levi’s” yang diambil dari nama depannya.

Sejak saat itulah, jeans mulai menjadi pakaian resmi para penambang. Beberapa waktu setelah itu, ia pun bekerja sama dengan seorang pengusaha sukses Jacob Davis untuk mendapatkan hak paten di tahun 1873. Pada masa itu, keberadaan jeans mulai mendongkrak dimana-mana. Meskipun telah dimodifikasi dengan bahan yang lebih lembut dari bahan awal, namun celana ini tetap disebut sebagai jeans dan sudah digunakan oleh siapa pun selain para penambang.

South China Mall, Terbesar di Dunia

Dengan luas lantai 660.000 meter persegi, South China Mall menjadi mal terbesar di dunia. Sementara untuk luas area secara keseluruhan (termasuk taman, area luar, dll), Mal yang terletak di Dongguan City, China ini, menempati urutan kedua di dunia, setelah Dubai Mall. Ada apa saja ya, di “megamall” alias mal raksasa ini?

South China Mall terbagi menjadi 7 area utama yang mewakili 7 tempat di dunia. Ada area bergaya Amsterdam, Paris, Roma, Venesia, Mesir, Karibia, sampai California. Secara keseluruhan, ketujuh area tersebut bisa menampung 2350 toko. Wow!

Selain pertokoan dan tempat nongkrong, di dalamnya juga ada kanal, lengkap dengan  gondolanya. Jadi, kalau pengunjung capek berkeliling mal, bisa memilih naik gondola atau memanfaatkan jasa taxi air untuk mengitari tempat ini. Di samping itu, mal yang berdiri tahun 2005 ini juga memiliki area permainan beserta indoor-outdoor roller coaster.

Nah, saking menariknya fenomena mal terbesar ini, filmmaker asal Amerika, Sam Green sampai membuat film documenter seputar mal, lho! Judulnya, Utopia Part 3: the World's Largest Shopping Mall. Sayang, lantaran terlalu besar, mal yang bisa menampung 70.000 manusia ini, jadi terlihat sepi. Apalagi, masih banyak toko yang belum buka

Pesta Ultah Terheboh


Bertambahnya usia memang asyik untuk dirayakan. Makanya, tak jarang ada orang yang begitu niat merayakan pesta ulang tahunnya dengan spektakuler. Seperti salah satunya adalah artis cantik Nikita Willy saat berulang tahun ke-17 tahun ini,  yang tercatat sebagai salah satu ulang tahun terheboh dan mahal.

Nikita Willy memang dikenal kreatif saat mengadakan pesta ulang tahun. Tahun lalu ia menggelar pesta bertemakan “Circus Party” yang menelan biaya miliaran rupiah untuk ultah sweet sixteen. Special untuk sweet seventeen-nya di tahun ini pun nggak kalah mewah. Dalam pesta tersebut, Nikita menggelar pesta bertemakan konser dengan menggelar konser mini. Hebohnya, Nikita sengaja mengundang penyanyi favoritnya, Keith Martin, untuk menjadi pengisi acara di pestanya.
Pesta mewah yang diadakan Rolling Stone Cafe, Kemang, Jakarta Selatan tersebut dihadiri oleh 300 undangan. Kemewahan pesta ini pun semakin terasa karena Nikita mendapatkan hadiah sebuah mobil mewah yang kabarnya seharga Rp 3,4 milyar. Mobil mewah Cadillac Escalade ESV berwarna putih tersebut merupakan salah satu kendaraan termewah di dunia yang lazim dimiliki selebriti Hollywood.

4 Manfaat Buah Lemon Untuk Kulit


Kalau kamu punya masalah dengan kulit wajah seperti pori-pori besar atau bermasalah dengan siku yang hitam, saatnya kamu memanfaatkan buah lemon untuk merawat sekaligus bikin kulitmu jadi sehat.
  • Membantu pengelupasan sel kulit mati
Buah lemon mengandung AHA (Alpha-Hidrocxy Acid) yang dapat membantu pengelupasan sel-sel kulit mati. Peras buah lemon dan ambil air lemonnya, celupkan kapas pada air perasan buah lemon dan balurkan di seluruh wajah setelah dibersihkan. Diamkan selama 10 menit lalu bilas. Kulit wajahmu akan terlihat bercahaya dan terasa lembut.

  • Melembutkan kulit pada siku
Kulit pada siku biasanya kering dan berwarna hitam, biar kulit di bagian sikumu terlihat bersih dan lembut lakukan perawatan dengan buah lemon. Iris buah lemon menjadi 2 bagian, gosokkan irisan buah lemon tadi ke bagian sikumu dan diamkan selama 10 menit lalu bilas dengan air.

  • Menghilangkan ketombe
Buah lemon juga bermanfaat untuk menghilangkan ketombe, lho! Biar rambutmu nggak berketombe, coba campurkan buah lemon yang sudah dibikin jus dengan minyak zaitun hangat. Pijat kepalamu perlahan-lahan dengan campuran lemon tadi dan diamkan selama 15 menit lalu bilas rambutmu dengan air dan gunakan conditioner rambut.

  • Meringkas pori-pori kulit
Buat kamu yang mempunyai kulit wajah dengan pori-pori yang besar, coba deh merawatnya dengan jus lemon yang segar. Caranya dengan menyimpan beberapa gelas jus lemon dalam lemari es, lalu celupkan kapas pada jus lemon dan oleskan pada bagian wajah kamu, bilas dengan air dan oleskan pelembab wajah. Lakukan langkah ini setiap pagi dan pastikan jus lemon yang kamu buat diganti setiap seminggu sekali.




ambisi saya ingin menjadi seorang karyawan keuangan dan menjadi seorang fashion blogger serta memiliki bisnis seperti butik

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Pasukan Khusus Senior High School number 5 PLG
Paduan Suara Senior High School number 5 PLG
Organisasi Intra Sekola  Senior High School number 5 PLG





my name


Senin, 21 November 2011



Running around
Trying to figure out, now
Where you put your smile down
You can't let them see you like this
Thinking what mask you're gonna front
You grab the nearest one
You take your place

Amongst these faceless others
Underneath the surface
Everything's so backwards
It's all a lie

Run away
Save yourself, let it go
It's too late
I'm losing you
You're fading

Don't move
Sit there in a trance
Do not make a sound
Fool, what were you thinking?
Fallen no one's gonna call
No hands were up at all
You're on your own again

Walls are closing in
You can't feel anything
Becoming one of them
Come back to me

Run away
Save yourself, let it go
It's too late
I'm losing you
You're fading

Fading, fading, fading
Fading, fading, fading

Run away
Save yourself, let it go
It's too late
I'm losing you
You're fading away

Save yourself, let it go
It's too late
I'm losing you
You're fading

Fading, fading.

Empty As I Am

Empty As I Am

I got caught in between
I just let love win
I'm not prod of you
But I can't change what I feel

I believed in you
You took care of me
Were you faking all this time?
Why did you leave?

Now I'm numb,
I can barely breath

You couldn't resist me
So scared
You had to leave me
Empty as I am

Face your demons
I'm here to stay
Please don't leave me
Empty as I am

I feel so stupid
So betrayed
I gave you my trust
And this is how you pay

You think I won't fight for this
I'll do what it takes
I'm willing to give up my life
Just to have one more kiss

Now I'm empty
I can barely feel

You couldn't resist me
So scared
You had to leave me
Empty as I am

Face your demons
I'm here to stay
Please don't leave me
Empty as I am

Perfect (Acoustic Version)

Perfect (Acoustic Version)

Hey Dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according
To plan?
And do you think I’m wasting
My time doing things I
Wanna do?
But it hurts when you
Disapprove all along

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I’m never gonna be good
Enough for you
Can’t pretend that
I’m alright
And you can’t change me

‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be
My hero?
All the days
You spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don’t
Care anymore

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I’m never gonna be good
Enough for you
I can’t stand another fight
And nothing's alright

‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect

Nothing’s gonna change
The things that you said
Nothing’s gonna make this
Right again
Please don’t turn your back
I can’t believe it’s hard
Just to talk to you
But you don’t understand

‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect

‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect 

Holding On [chorus]

Holding On [chorus]

Once again I'm falling to my knees
(I try to escape cause I just can't take it)
Now this feeling is spreading like a disease
(I fake another day and the wheel keeps turning)
This place is so pathetic
Doesn't anybody get it
Is there anybody home?
Is there anybody home?
There's nothing left.
We're just a shadow of what we used to be

In the night there's a fire in my eyes
And this paradise has become a place we've come to cry.
When I open your letter the words makes it better it takes it all away whoaoh it keeps me holding
Whoaoh it keeps me holding on

Here we are pretending we're ok
(you can say what you want but you still can't fool me)
The life we're living
It's all a masquerade
(I try to smile but I can't remember how)
So how did we get so jaded
Is it so complicated
To not give up to me?

In the night there's a fire in my eyes
And this paradise has become a place we've come to cry.
When I open your letter the words makes it better it takes it all away whoaoh it keeps me holding on

Whenever I need you
Whenever I run to
I know where to find you
It keeps me holding on
Whenever I need you
Wherever I run to
I know where to find you
You keep me holding on
You keep me holding on whoaoh

In the night there's a fire in my eyes
And this paradise has become a place we've come to cry.
When I open your letter the words makes it better it takes it all away whoaoh it keeps me holding

Whenever I need you
Wherever I run to
I know where to find you
It keeps me holding on
Whenever I need you
Wherever I run to
I know where to find you
It keeps me holding on

Don't Hurt Me

Don't Hurt Me

Why did you say,that forever's dead and gone?

And that you,are through with me,too?

Sometimes I ask myself,do I need some help,

But then you'd just ask me to leave you

Don't hurt me baby,I just can't bear the pain

Don't hurt me,like I've Been hurt before

So I,try to see,the way you feel for me

please don't hurt me baby

Id Do Anything

Id Do Anything

Another day is going by
I'm thinking about you all the time
But you're out there
And I'm here waiting

And I wrote this letter in my head
'Cuz so many things were left unsaid
but now you're gone
And I can't think straight

This could be the one last chance
To make you understand

I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
'Cuz I know I won't forget you

Together we broke all the rules
Dreaming of droping out of school
And leave this place
to never come back

So now maybe after all these years
If you miss me have no fear
I'll be here
I'll be waiting

This could be the one last chance to make you understand
And I just can't let you leave me once again
I close my eyes
And all I see is you
I close my eyes
I try to sleep I can't forget you
nanana (...)
And I'd do anything for you

I'd do anything
To fall asleep with you
I'd do anything
There's nothing I won't do
I'd do anything
To fall asleep with you
I'd do anything
'Cuz I know I won't forget you 

’d Do Anything

’d Do Anything

Another day is going by

I’m thinking about you all the time

But you’re out there

And I’m here waiting

And I wrote this letter in my head

’cuz so many things were left unsaid

But now you’re gone

And I can’t think straight

This could be the one last chance

To make you understand

I’d do anything

Just to hold you in my arms

To try to make you laugh

Some how I can’t put you in the past

I’d do anything

Just to fall asleep with you

Will you remember me?

’cuz I know

I won’t forget you

Together we broke all the rules

Dreaming of dropping out of school

And leave this place

To never come back

So now maybe after all these years

If you miss me have no fear

I’ll be here

I’ll be waiting

This could be the one last chance to make you understand

And I just can’t let you leave me once again

I’d do anything

Just to hold you in my arms

Try to make you laugh

Some how I can’t put you in the past

I’d do anything

Just to fall asleep with you

Will you remember me?

Cuz I know I won’t forget you

I close my eyes

And all I see is you

I close my eyes

I try to sleep

I can’t forget you

Nanana (2 x)

And I’d do anything for you

Nanana (2 x)

I’d do anything

Just to hold you in my arms

To try to make you laugh

Some how I can’t put you in the past

I’d do anything

Just to fall asleep with you

To fall alseep with you, you ya

Cuz I know I won’t forget you

Can't You Hear Me Knocking

Can't You Hear Me Knocking

Yeah, you got satin shoes 

Yeah, you got plastic boots 
Y'all got cocaine eyes 
Yeah, you got speed-freak jive 

Can't you hear me knockin' on your window 
Can't you hear me knockin' on your door 
Can't you hear me knockin' down your dirty street, yeah 

Help me baby, ain't no stranger 
Help me baby, ain't no stranger 
Help me baby, ain't no stranger 

Can't you hear me knockin', ahh, are you safe asleep? 
Can't you hear me knockin', yeah, down the gas light street, now 
Can't you hear me knockin', yeah, throw me down the keys 
Alright now 

Hear me ringing big bell tolls 
Hear me singing soft and low 
I've been begging on my knees 
I've been kickin', help me please 
Hear me prowlin' 
I'm gonna take you down 
Hear me growlin' 
Yeah, I've got flatted feet now, now, now, now 
Hear me howlin' 
And all, all around your street now 
Hear me knockin' 
And all, all around your town

Child Of The Moon

Child Of The Moon

The wind blows rain into my face 

The sun glows at the end of the highway 
Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes 
Oh, child of the moon 
Give me a wide-awake crescent-shaped smile 

She shivers, by the light she is hidden 
She flickers like a lamp lady vision 
Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes 
Child of the moon 
Give me a wide-awake crescent-shaped smile 

The first car on the foggy road riding 
The last star for my lady is pining 
Oh, child of the moon, bid the sun arise 
Oh, child of the moon 
Give me a misty day, pearly gray, silver, silky faced, 
Wide-awake crescent-shaped smile

Down The Road A Piece

Down The Road A Piece

Now if you wanna hear some boogie like I'm gonna play 

It's just an old piano and a knockout bass 
The drummer's man's a cat they call Charlie McCoy 
You know, remember that rubber-legged boy? 
Mama cookin' chicken fried and bacon grease 
Come on along boys it's just down the road apiece 

Well there's a place you really get your kicks 
It's open every night about twelve to six 
Now if you wanna hear some boogie you can get your fill 
And shove and sting like an old steam drill 
Come on along you can lose your lead 
Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece 

Well there's a place you really get your kicks 
It's open every night about twelve to six 
Now if you wanna hear some boogie you can get your fill 
And shove and sting like an old steam drill 
Come on along you can lose your lead 
Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece

Gimmie Shelter

Gimmie Shelter

Ooh, a storm is threatening my very life today
If I don't get some shelter, oh yeah I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away
Ooh, see the fire is sweepin, our very streets today
Burns like a red coal carpet, mad bull lost its way
Rape, murder, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away
Rape, murder, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away
Rape, murder, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away
Mmm, the flood is threatening, my very life today
Gimme, gimme shelter, or I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away, it's just a thaught away, it's just a shot away
I said, love, sister, it's just a kiss away, it's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away, it's just a kiss away, kiss away, kiss away, yeah 

Dead Flowers

Dead Flowers

Well when you're sitting there in your silk upholstered chair 
Talkin' to some rich folk that you know 
Well I hope you won't see me in my ragged company 
Well, you know I could never be alone 

Take me down little Susie, take me down 
I know you think you're the queen of the underground 
And you can send me dead flowers every morning 
Send me dead flowers by the mail 
Send me dead flowers to my wedding 
And I won't forget to put roses on your grave 

Well when you're sitting back in your rose pink Cadillac 
Making bets on Kentucky Derby Day 
Ah, I'll be in my basement room with a needle and a spoon 
And another girl to take my pain away 

Take me down little Susie, take me down 
I know you think you're the queen of the underground 
And you can send me dead flowers every morning 
Send me dead flowers by the mail 
Send me dead flowers to my wedding 
And I won't forget to put roses on your grave 

Take me down little Susie, take me down 
I know you think you're the queen of the underground 
And you can send me dead flowers every morning 
Send me dead flowers by the U.S. Mail 
Say it with dead flowers in my wedding 
And I won't forget to put roses on your grave 
No, I won't forget to put roses on your grave



Well done, my friend
You've done it again
You've gone and broken another heart
Yeah, you've torn it apart

You've done it before
Hope to do it some more
You've got it down to a fine art

Remember the first time
You tried to do it to me
My girl won't fall
Just wait and see
Just wait and see

You've gone and broken another heart
Yeah, you've torn it apart

La la, la la la, la la la la (congratulations) 

19th Nervous Breakdown

19th Nervous Breakdown

You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal, dull affairs

Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs

Well, it seems to me that you have seen too much in too few years

And though you've tried you just can't hide your eyes are edged with tears

You better stop, look around

Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes

Here comes your nineteenth nervous breakdown

When you were a child you were a treated kind

Byt you were never brought up right

You were always spoiled with a thousand toys but still you cried all night

Your mother who neglected you owes a million dollars tax

And your father's still perfecting ways of making sealing wax

You better stop, look around

Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes

Here comes your nineteenth nervous breakdown

Oh, who's to blame, that girl's just insane

Well, nothing I do don't seem to work

It only seems to make the matters worse. Oh, please

You were still in school when you had that fool who really messed your mind

And after that you turned your back on treating people kind

On our first trip I tried so hard to rearrange your mind

But after awhile I realized you were disarranging mine

You better stop, look around

Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes

Here comes your nineteenth nervous breakdown

Oh, who's to blame, that girl's just insane

Well, nothing I do don't seem to work

It only seems to make the matters worse. Oh, please

When you were a child you were treated kind

But you were never brought up right

You were always spoiled with a thousand toys but still you cried all night

Your mother who neglected you owes a million dollars tax

And you father's still perfecting ways of making sealing wax

You better stop, look around

Here it comes, here comes your nineteenth nervous breakdown

Back To Zero

Back To Zero

Back to zero 
So you wanna blow us all to pieces 
Go meet your maker, head hung down 
And give him all your explanations 
Go ahead, throw down 
Back to zero, back to nothing 
Straight to meltdown, back to zero 
That's where we're heading 

It's a monkey living on my back 
I can feel my spine begin to crack 
I'm looking to the future 
I keep on glancing back 
I prefer to rot 
I don't want to pop 

I think I'll head back to the jungle, alright 
Don't want to see no big bad rumble, too fright 
Back to zero, that's where we're going 
Back to nothing, right now, right now 
No heroes? No more heroes 
Back to meltdown 
That's where I'm going, back to zero 

My whole life is hanging on a thread 
I'm the fly inside the spider's web 
I'm looking to the future 
I keep on glancing back 
I prefer to rot 
I don't want to pop 

I worry about my great grandchildren 
Living ten miles beneath the ground 
I worry about their whole existence 
The whole damn thing's in doubt 
Back to zero, that's where we're going 
Back to nothing, that's where we're heading 
Straight to meltdown, that's where we're going 
Back to zero, right now, right now 

We're going nowhere 
Right now, right now 
Back to zero, that's where we're heading 
Back to zero

Backstreet Girl

Backstreet Girl

I don't want you to be high
I don't want you to be down
Don't want to tell you no lie
Just want you to be around

Please come right up to my ears
You will be able to hear what I say

Don't want you out in my world
Just you be my backstreet girl

Please don't be part of my life
Please keep yourself to yourself
Please don't you bother my wife
That way you won't get no help

Don't try to ride on my horse
You're rather common and coarse anyway

Don't want you out in my world
Just you be my backstreet girl

Please don't you call me at home
Please don't come knocking at night
Please never ring on the phone
Your manners are never quite right

Please take the favors I grant
Curtsy and look nonchalant, just for me

Don't want you part of my world
Just you be my backstreet girl

As Tears Go By

As Tears Go By

It is the evening of the day
I sit and watch the children play
Smiling faces I can see
But not for me
I sit and watch
As tears go by

My riches can't buy everything
I want to hear the children sing
All I hear is the sound
Of rain falling on the ground
I sit and watch
As tears go by

It is the evening of the day
I sit and watch the children play
Doing things I used to do
They think are new
I sit and watch
As tears go by

Dance Little Sister

Dance Little Sister

On Thursday night she looked a fright
Her pricki hair all curled, oh Lord, what a sight
Dance, dance, little sister, dance

On Friday night she's all decked out
Her high heel shoes, her dress so tight
Dance, dance little sister, dance

On Saturday night she bass-a-dee
She stepping high on Frederick's Street
Dance, dance, little sister, dance

I said dance, dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
I said dance, dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance

It make me hot, I wet with sweat
It burn like hell, I've four hours left
Dance, dance, little sister, dance

Get next to me, drive me close
Don't mammaguay, I lose control
Dance, dance with fire, dance

I said dance, dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
I said dance, dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance

Jump out of Africa with a step that looks so bold
Ah, when you kickin' high it make my blood run cold

I said dance, dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
I said dance, dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance
Dance, little sister, dance

On Saturday night we don't go home
We bacchanal, there ain't no dawn
Dance, little sister, dance
I said dance, dance, little sister
Dance little sister
Dance little sister, dance...
Back Of My Hand

I hear a preacher on the corner
Ranting like a crazy man
He says there's trouble, troubles are coming
I can read it like the back of my hand

I see love, I see misery
Jamming side by side on the stage
In the wind some mournful melody
I can read it like the back of my hand

The back of my hand..... Oh yeah

Oh yeah....

I see dreams, I see visions
Images I don't understand
I see Goya's paranoias
I can read it like the back of my hand

Well, read it like the back of my hand
Oh yeah, wow yeah
Wow yeah
Read it like the back of my hand 

All About You

All About You

Well if you call this a life 
Why must I spend it with you? 
If the show must go on 
Let it go on without you 
So sick and tired hanging around with jerks like you 

Who'll tell me those lies 
And let me think they're true? 
What am I to do 
You want it, I got it too 

Though the lies might be true 
That's just cause the joke's about you 
I'm so sick and tired hanging around with dogs like you 
You're the first to get blamed, always the last bitch to get paid 

Oh, tell me those lies 
Let me think they're true 
I heard one or two 
They weren't about me, they weren't about her 
They were all about you 

I may miss you 
But missing me just isn't you 
I'm so sick and tired hanging around with dogs like you 

Tell me those lies 
Let me think they're true 
I heard one or two, and they weren't about me, they weren't about her 
They're all about you 
I'm so sick and tired 
What should I do 
You want it, you get it... 
So how come I'm still in love with you?

All The Way Down

All The Way Down

I was twenty one naive 
Not cynical, I try to please 
Her wit, her speech, her repartee 
Impressed me almost instantly 

She went all the way 
All the way down 
She went all the way, all the way 

She showed me love a hundred ways 
How she pimped and how she paid 
All the daughters, all the sons 
All were welcome, all would come 

We went all the way 
All the way down 
We went all the way, all the way 

I was King, Mr. Cool 
Just a snobby little fool 
(Like kids are now.) 
I dreamed of reaching greater heights 
I raved about it every night 
Talk is cheap 

She went all the way, all the way 
All the way down, yeah 
She went all the way 
All the way all the way 
All the way, all the way down 

She's there when I close my eyes 
There when I close my eyes 
She's there when I close my eyes 
There when I close my eyes 

How the years they rush on by 
Birthdays, kids and suicides 
Still I play the fool and strut 
Still you're a slut 

Hey girl, she went all the way 
All the way, all the way 
All the way down 
She went all the way 
All the way, all the way 
All the way down 
She went all the way 
All the way, all the way 
All the way down 

You give me back that time right now 
I can see it if I close my eyes 
Was every minute just a waste? 
Was every hour a foolish chase? 
I don't believe it 

She went all the way 
All the way down 
She went all the way 
All the way down 
She went all the way 
All the way down 
She went all the way 
All the way all the way 
All the way down 
She went all the way 
All the way all the way 
All the way down